Sunday 26 February 2012

Love on Top

"You're the one that gives your all
You're the one I can always call
When I need you make everything stops
Finally, you put my love on top"
Beyonce - Love On Top

As you know, gw sekarang udah pacaran sama seorang pria (biar terasa mapan. hhe) bernama Bagus Gede Karma Amandangi. Kita meresmikan pacaran dalam waktu yang super singkat (ga lebay, tapi sumpah singkat banget) dan sesi nembak pun kayak cuma formalitas doang.

Sekilas masa lalu...
Jadi sesi nembak tu terjadi di malam hari, tanggal 13 Agustus 2011. Karena cara komunikasi yang udah kayak orang pacaran, akhirnya si Bagus memutuskan untuk membuat hubungan ini resmi. HAHA! Kita berdua duduk di teras depan, sambil ngobrol. Beginilah ilustrasinya:

Bagus: Made kita kan blablabalabla (sumpah gw lupa dia ngomong apa waktu itu, karena gw sibuk bergulat dengan pikiran sendiri) mau ga jadi pacar aku?
Made: (nada ogah2an) deuuh, iya iya iya

Akhirnya kita pun berpelukan dan kita resmi jadian. 'Romantis' kan nembaknya? ;;) so pastey dong. hihihihihi :p Kalo kata orang kan "easy come easy go", eits eits that quote DOES NOT exist in our relationship. Kita sih "easy come difficult to go" #maksa

Dan tanpa terasa, kita sekarang sudah 6 bulan. I know you've heard it million times, but seriously, the time moves insanely fast. And I've been insanely happy for this 6 months. Kalo kata iklan makanan sih, gw bener-bener "TASTE THE DIFFERENCE" deh.

"We've started everything so fast, we faced all the unexpected situations pretty well, we found the most bizarre things about ourselves, we ALWAYS develop each other, and yes, we're crazy in love ♥"

Millions of people said that we have similar looks. And I'm quite happy for hearing that, since Chinese Tradition believes that couple with similar looks are meant to be together Though we're not Chinese, but we believe in it. haha!

Made Indriani Kenanga Ayu & Bagus Gede Karma Amandangi
130811 ♥

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